Akchour Waterfalls: A Stunning Natural Beauty

Akchour Waterfalls

Akchour Waterfalls is undoubtedly one of Morocco’s concealed gems. The tour runs along the small river via the animated fairytale wood. Surrounded by the glorious Rif Peaks, you tread past rocks and tree stumps clad in green moss. Changing into a thick, strong wilderness hiding the surroundings. All you can hear are the birds piping and the water flowing in small waterfalls along the base of the valley.

birds piping in Akchour Waterfalls

 It is so beautiful. You should surely have a day to study the path to the fine Grand Cascade. You see this best a day’s trip from the plan. It is so lovely. You should surely limit the day to digging the trail foci to the Grand Cascade. You can see this natural catch only a day’s travel from the tourist goal blue city of Chefchaouen.

Climbing to Akchour Waterfalls

Climbing to Akchour Waterfalls

Hiking to Akchour Waterfalls is not yet finicky, though the trek has some vertical parts. The journey takes around 3-4 hours round trip, depending on how many stops you make along the way.

There are myriad little slots with plastic seats where you can rest and buy a cold drink with fresh river water., they can also prepare you a lovely Tagin.

When you dock at the parking by the starting point of the course, you walk above some lunchrooms. And food booths along the river. At the start and end, you can either walk directly forward on the exact flank of the river or you can transit a bridge to the other flank of the river.

The route is well preserved. And obviously observed so you will not get misplaced. It crosses the river for several periods and in some places. They have put up large glue blocks you can walk on. A team of businesses, there are narrow bridges to cross. But their state is secure, and there are still opportunities to walk about if you do not charge them.


Akchour is a miniature townlet located in the inferior part of the Talembote Valley. Which in turn is characteristic of the Talassemtane National Park. The place itself is hardly impressive. But bringing the two courses that start in this town. What I will explain will drive for a lovely day exploring the wild attractiveness of this part of Morocco.

It’s about 20 miles from. If you go by taxi, you shouldn’t be assessed more than 200-300 dirhams. If you also choose to hire the services of a mountain guide. You can encounter one at the location where your visitor look for him. When you get to Akchour, commanding between 150 and 200 dirhams.

The Most Effective Method to Get to Akchour

Akchour is a 45-minute movement from Chefchaouen. Moving, there is a miniature parking fee of 10 dirhams. However, if you don’t keep a car yourself. There are cabs that can take you.

The most affordable choice is to take a shared taxi. It is also called Grand Taxi. They accept four to six individuals. And boss once they fill up.

The taxi stand is above the Medina of Chefchaouen. You can effortlessly request advice to reach there. Once at the cabstand, tell them you would like to go to Akchour Waterfallsl. You will be directed to the right Grand Taxi.

What to Bring for your Climb

Even though the walk is not very demanding, and there are areas to purchase meals. And parties both on the course and by the Grand Cascade at the end of the trail. There are occasional something you should consider getting.

Depending on the time of year, the temperatures might counter. Thus, studying the temperature projection is a good idea, especially in winter. As an example, we had a scorching sun. When we stepped up and ran rain on the route back, that is why a daypack with some additions is a wonderful start to a prosperous day in temperament.

In this Way, Here are the Basics you Ought to Bring when you Climb to Akchour Cascade

Cash: if you want to buy glasses or meals along the route

Camera: with additional guns and adequate stretch on your remembrance card. Because if you are anything like me, you will see pretty pictures

Water: At slightly 2 liters per individual

Swimwear and towel: If you like to run for a reviving swim in the river on a burning day

 The Best Opportunity to Visit the Akchour Cascade

visit the Akchour cascade

June to Sep are the most generous months. When temperatures usually rise above 30 degrees Celsius. Suppose you go during this period of the year. Make certain you wrap in the morning and obtain your swimwear and towel, as it will be excessively hot along the hike. Luckily, there is plenty of shadow along the trail.

For more delightful temperatures. You can proceed in the shoulder seasons, March to May or October to November. At these moments, the temperatures usually reach 20-25 degrees Celsius. However, opportunities for showers are more extensive.

Yet, most of the time is in the winter months, December to February. Temperatures in the day span are usually between 10 and 17 steps. At the same time, this is not too hot or too. You will most probably not want to dip in the crystalline water at this time of year, though. Well, unless you are from one of the Nordic bats, not like me. Make sure you are trained for rain.

Plan your Excursion

At the, it is prohibited to camp along the trek. According to our local keeper, the law was enacted because too many people were littering, even while not camping. Anyhow, we met some that were to tent illegally when we did the trek. 

Reflections Subsequent to Climbing to Akchour Cascade

The hike to Akchour waterfall is, without skepticism, stunningly gorgeous. However, I witnessed the amount of rubbish left during the whole trek. The first one to say it to me was the gentleman who received the parking payment at the entry to the parking lot. A lot of people pitch their rubbish about. It is not good, he said. Unfortunately, he was totally right.

Along the path, there was malleable wrapping from chocolate, biscuits, and crispy loads, as well as unobstructed bottles and cans.

The many restaurants along the way had rubbish bins made of wooden sticks without any bags in them, looking more like baskets. As a result, whatever had been thrown inside would fall outside through the large gaps between the wooden sticks.

Anyhow, it was not the primary reason for all the waste. It seemed like most individuals had not even troubled to aim for the handmade baskets and rather pitched their waste straightforwardly on the basis.


Akchour Waterfall is certainly one of Morocco’s suppressed gems. The term bears along the river is small via the vibrant fairytale wood. It is so lovely. You should definitely. And have daylight to study the way to the acceptable Grand Cascade. You see this most promising a day’s travel from the procedure.  

Though the trek has some vertical parts, Akchour is a miniature village discovered in the inferior part of the Talembote Valley. June to Sep are the numerous generous months. When temperatures usually move beyond 30 degrees Celsius.

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